
Google Pixel 6

Android 12.0

Uninstall apps on your Google Pixel 6 Android 12.0

You can uninstall apps to free up memory.

Step 1 of 9

1. Open Google Play

Slide your finger upwards on the screen.

Step 2 of 9

1. Open Google Play

Press Play Store.

Step 3 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press the profile icon.

Step 4 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press Manage your Google Account.

Step 5 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press Manage.

Step 6 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press the required app.

Step 7 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press Uninstall.

Step 8 of 9

2. Uninstall apps

Press Uninstall.

Step 9 of 9

3. Return to the home screen

Slide your finger upwards starting from the bottom of the screen to return to the home screen.

1. Open Google Play

Slide your finger upwards on the screen.
Press Play Store.

2. Uninstall apps

Press the profile icon.
Press Manage your Google Account.
Press Manage.
Press the required app.
Press Uninstall.
Press Uninstall.

3. Return to the home screen

Slide your finger upwards starting from the bottom of the screen to return to the home screen.

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