
Samsung Galaxy S8

Android 7.0

Turn automatic update of apps on your Samsung Galaxy S8 Android 7.0 on or off

You can set your phone to update apps automatically so you always have the newest versions installed.

Step 1 of 7

1. Find "Auto-update apps"

Press Play Store.

Step 2 of 7

1. Find "Auto-update apps"

Slide your finger right starting from the left side of the screen.

Step 3 of 7

1. Find "Auto-update apps"

Press Settings.

Step 4 of 7

1. Find "Auto-update apps"

Press Auto-update apps.

Step 5 of 7

2. Turn automatic update of apps on or off

Press Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only to turn on the function.

Step 6 of 7

2. Turn automatic update of apps on or off

Press Do not auto-update apps to turn off the function.

Step 7 of 7

3. Return to the home screen

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

1. Find "Auto-update apps"

Press Play Store.
Slide your finger right starting from the left side of the screen.
Press Settings.
Press Auto-update apps.

2. Turn automatic update of apps on or off

Press Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only to turn on the function.
Press Do not auto-update apps to turn off the function.

3. Return to the home screen

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

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